Sunday, November 9, 2008

GIRAFARIG on SourceForge

I've been trying to get back into software development on SourceForge[0], but I can't figure out how to use the CVS repository they've set up for me.

To start, I added export CVS_RSH=ssh to my ~/.bashrc and generated an SSH2/DSA key, for authentication. But when I try logging on to my CVS repository I can't seem to figure out what module to use, and I can't even get on the server to create a module, so I'm stuck at this point.

Other than my troubles with CVS, I'm teaming up with my friend Phil Barresi to build a CMS (Content management system) in PHP, which will eventually become a blag management system with two types of databases; TextDB by default, for free hosts, and MySQL for efficiency. The style will also be completely modular, using valid XML and CSS to design page styles, and will eventually include a way to view blogs using our software on a mobile phone. It will be called GIRAFARIG.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Goodnight, Sweet Prince. Michael Crichton

After hearing about Michael Crichton's death on November 4th I stopped paying attention the election and focused on the death of a great man. While the world was worried about Obama vs McCain, I was worried about the passing of a fantastic author, visionary, and story teller.

Michael Crichton has written great books such as Jurassic Park, Prey, and State of Fear, which have all been regarded as very influential books in the scientific and academic communities. On a personal level the book Prey is what initially started my infatuation with computers and programing.

This article may not be long but it is my way of saying goodbye to a man who's stories have entertained me from days on end and have gotten me through some depressing train rides. May you sleep peacefully for all eternity.

RIP Michael Crichton, you will be missed.