I've been trying to get back into software development on SourceForge[0], but I can't figure out how to use the CVS repository they've set up for me.
To start, I added export CVS_RSH=ssh to my ~/.bashrc and generated an SSH2/DSA key, for authentication. But when I try logging on to my CVS repository I can't seem to figure out what module to use, and I can't even get on the server to create a module, so I'm stuck at this point.
Other than my troubles with CVS, I'm teaming up with my friend Phil Barresi to build a CMS (Content management system) in PHP, which will eventually become a blag management system with two types of databases; TextDB by default, for free hosts, and MySQL for efficiency. The style will also be completely modular, using valid XML and CSS to design page styles, and will eventually include a way to view blogs using our software on a mobile phone. It will be called GIRAFARIG.